Posted 2024-07-11 16:47:41

Post By : Fr.Felix Mushobozi


The Missionaries of the most Precious Blood Province of Tanzania, is very happy this year 2024 for the definitive incorporation into the Society of nine Seminarians. The event took place during the Holy Eucharist presided over by the Provincial Director Fr. Vedasto Ngowi. The event took place in the ...

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Posted 2024-07-11 16:43:51

Post By : Fr.Felix Mushobozi


Shirika la Wamisionari wa Damu Azizi ya Yesu Province ya Tanzania, ina furaha kubwa mwaka huu 2024 kwa kupata vijana tisa walioamua kujiunga na Shirika kwa maisha yao yote. Vijana hao wamepokelewa Shirikani wakati wa adhimisho la Misa Takatifu iliyoongozwa na Mkuu wa Shirika Province ya Tanzania Pd. ...

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Posted 2024-07-05 09:10:02

Post By : Fr.Felix Mushobozi


On Sunday 2 June 2024, at the Mission House of the Holy Spirit, an indulgence feast linked to the 25th anniversary of the Hospice of Santa Galla took place. The festivities were presided over by H.E. Bishop Marian Rojek, who also met with the staff and patients of our institution; it was a great hon ...

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Posted 2024-06-06 13:46:44

Post By : Fr.Felix Mushobozi

Tushirikishane March 2024


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Posted 2024-06-05 05:16:19

Post By : Fr.Felix Mushobozi


Jumamosi Januari 13 mwaka huu, Wamisionari kumi na moja walipewa daraja la Upadre na Mseminari mmoja daraja la Ushemasi. Tukio hilo la kihistoria lilifanyika Dodoma katika Parokia ya Malkia wa Damu Azizi - Kisasa. Askofu Mkuu Beatus Kinyaiya Mkuu wa OFM, Askofu Mkuu wa Jimbo Kuu Katoliki la Dodoma n ...

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Posted 2023-09-24 05:14:34

Post By : Fr.Felix Mushobozi

Remembering Fr. Richard Leone Orota

Monday 7 August this year was a very sad day when we received the news of the death of Father Richard Orota. The agony for many of us was due to the fact that Fr. Orota, after being ill for a long time, for almost two years, he recovered and his health was improving day by day. We all had hope that ...

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Posted 2022-07-08 08:08:43

Post By : Fr.Felix Mushobozi


Siku iliyofuata Incorporation, Jumamosi Julai 2, palepale Parokiani Bahari beach, Wamisionari wapya waliwekwa wakfu na kuwa Mashemasi katika adhimisho la Misa takatifu iliyoongozwa na Mhash. Ask. Stephano Msomba, OSA. Wengi wa Wamisionari wa CPPS kutoka District ya Dar es salaam na mapadre kutoka se ...

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Posted 2022-07-08 07:27:44

Post By : Fr.Felix Mushobozi


Katika Parokia ya Mt. Andrea Mtume Bahari Beach, Siku ya Ijumaa Julai 1, ilikuwa siku njema, siku ambayo familia ya Damu Azizi inaadhimisha na kuheshimu thamani kuu ya Ukombozi wetu, wanafunzi wetu watatu: Alphons Martin Fataki, Bernard Hezron Kasambala na Faustine Barnabas Missanga, waliingizwa Shi ...

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Posted 2021-07-29 09:53:57

Post By : Fr.Felix Mushobozi

Two Missionaries Ordained Deacons in Tanzania Province

Another happy moment for the CPPS Province of Tanzania took place on the morning of 10th July 2021, when two newly incorporated members: John Francis Kisoli and Abel William Missanga, were ordained deacons. The event took place in the Pilgrim Church for diocese of Morogoro dedicated to the Body and ...

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Posted 2021-07-29 09:43:26

Post By : Fr.Felix Mushobozi

Two Candidates Incorporated in Tanzania

By Fr. Felix Mushobozi This is another happy day for the CPPS Tanzanian Province, Friday evening of the 9th July 2021. After the conclusion of the Business Assembly and Conference, about 56 Missionaries gathered for a celebration of the Eucharist in the Body and Blood Kola B. Parish church, durin ...

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Posted 2021-05-16 04:38:28

Post By : Fr.Felix Mushobozi

Ombi la Pd. Deogratias Baharia kujiunga na CPPS Tanzania

Mnamo mwezi Januari mwaka 2021, tulipokea ombi kutoka kwa Pd. Deogratias Baharia wa Jimbo la Morogoro kujiunga na shirika letu. Baada ya mawasiliano baina yake na Mkurugenzi wa miito, kisha na Padre Provincial na Council, pamoja na Msimamizi wa kitume wa Jimbo la Morogoro ombi la Pd. Baharia lilikub ...

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Posted 2021-03-19 04:40:55

Post By : Fr.Felix Mushobozi

Tukumbuke Jubilei ya Miaka ishirini na tano ya Chuo chetu

JUBILEI YA MIAKA 25 YA SEMINARI YA MT. GASPARI; NDOTO INAENDELEA Mt. Gaspari alikuwa na ndoto ya kueneza upendo wa Damu ya Yesu popote Duniani. Ndoto hiyo ilidhihirika tarehe 15/ 8/ 1815 alipoanziasha shirika la wamisionari wa Damu Azizi ya Yesu. Ndoto hiyo hadi sasa inaendelea maana shirika lime ...

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Posted 2021-02-01 04:31:04

Post By : Fr.Felix Mushobozi

Five CPPS members ordained Priests in Tanzania

“This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118,24). This day was Saturday on 30 January the day our Province celebrated the ordination of five of our new missionaries at Our Lady of the Most Precious Blood of Christ Parish. Fr. Benjamin Angelus Mwinuka, Fr. Math ...

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Posted 2020-10-07 04:52:26

Post By : Fr.Felix Mushobozi

Fr. Chesco Msaga Appointed General Councilor

On October 7th we received a message from the Moderator General announcing the appointment of Fr. Chesco Peter Msaga as Second General Councilor, according to article S31 for our Normative Texts. The appointment was made by the General Council on October 2nd 2020. Fr. Chesco is replacing Fr. Augusto ...

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Posted 2020-08-03 09:33:09

Post By : Fr.Felix Mushobozi

Five New CPPS Members Ordained Deacons

It was the morning of Friday July 31st, the same date that St. Gaspar was ordained Priest, exactly 212 years ago that five new CPPS members were ordained Deacons. The liturgy was presided over by Mons. Edward Mapunda - the bishop of Singida. Thirty six priests members of the Tanzania CPPS Province a ...

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Posted 2020-08-03 05:49:59

Post By : Fr.Felix Mushobozi

Seven Seminarians incorporated to CPPS TANZANIA

On Thursday evening of July 30th, seven CPPS seminarians were incorporated into the Missionaries of the Precious Blood - Province of Tanzania. Two of them consecrate their life as Brothers and five are candidates for priesthood. The ceremony was officiated by the Provincial Director - Fr. Vedasto ...

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Posted 2020-03-14 07:14:52

Post By : Admin


Mnamo tarehe 26 Februari mwaka huu, Fr. Augusto Menichelli, C.PP.S. ambaye ndiye alikuwa Mshauri wa pili katika Halmashauri ya Shirika Ulimwenguni alimkabidhi Mkuu wetu wa Shirika barua ya kujiuzuru kwa sababu za afya. Mkuu wetu wa Shirika Ulimwenguni ameandika barua kwa wanashirika wote akituomba t ...

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Posted 2020-10-05 04:56:36

Post By : Admin


It was a good day on Saturday, February 22, when our Society witnessed the priestly ordination of two of its sons: Dickson Simon Komba, C.PP.S. and Justin Boniface Mwanyelo, C.PP.S. The holy Mass was celebrated inside the Parish Church of Mt. Gaspar Shrine at Mbezi Beach in Dar-es-salaam, presided o ...

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