Posted 2024-07-30 04:27:06

Post By : Fr.Felix Mushobozi

Jubilei ya Fedha ya Fr. Chrisogony V. Marandu CPPS

Siku ya Jumapili, tarehe 28 July Fr. Chrisogony Vulstan Marandu aliungana na Waamini wa Parokia ya Chuo Kikuu cha UDOM kumshukuru Mungu kwa zawadi ya wito na utume kama Padre Mmisionari wa Damu Azizi. Misa Takatifu iliadhimishwa katika Ukumbi wa Kitivo cha Teknolojia ya Mawasiliano (CIVE). Katika misa hiyo Takatifu watu wengi waliungana naye kumshukuru Mungu. Mama yake mzazi Maria Salome na ndugu wa katibu waliungana na Mapadre, Masista na Wanachuo. Baada ya ibada ya Misa yalifanyika mashangilio, ambayo kuanzia mchana hadi jioni mashangilio yaliendelea kwenye ukumbi wa Mt. Petro Swaswa.

On Sunday, July 28 Fr. Chrisogony Vulstan Marandu joined the faithful of UDOM University Parish to thank God for the gift of vocation and mission as Missionary Priest of Precious Blood. The solemn Holy Mass was celebrated at the Faculty of Communication Technology (CIVE) Hall. In that Holy mass, many people joined him to thank God. His mother Maria Salome, brothers and sisters from his home place joined; Priests, Sisters and Students as well. After the Mass, there were celebrations, which continued from the afternoon until the evening at St. Peter the hall Swaswa.
