Saint Gaspar, during this time of distress we ask you to intercede for us before our heavenly Father. During your exile, you experienced the pain of imprisonment and separation from your family. We ask your intercession for all those who are now in quarantine and restraint to move freely. You said we are all patients in the hospital of the world. Now we are living this reality in a dramatic way. We ask your intercession for all the sick and for all those who are caring for them beyond the limits of their strength. You reminded us that the thought of death was a great counsellor. Death is close to us these days. We ask your intercession for all those who have died and also for those who mourn them. Through you, Saint Gaspar, we seek refuge in the wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ and we trust in the power of His redeeming blood. Saint Gaspar, pray for us. AMEN (Fr. Alois Schlachter C.PP.S., 22.3.2020)



Mt. Gaspari, tunaomba utuombee kwa Baba wa Mbinguni katika kipindi hiki kigumu na cha mahangaiko. Wakati ulipokuwa uhamishoni, hata wewe ulijisikia uchungu wa kufungwa na kutengwa na familia yako. Tunakusihi uwaombee wale wote ambao katika kipindi hiki wako katika Karantini na wanazuiwa kutembea kwa uhuru. Maombezi yako ni ya muhimu hasa kwa wale ambao wanaumwa ugonjwa huu wa Korona na wale ambao kwa sadaka kubwa wanawahudumia hadi kuishiwa nguvu. Zamani uliwahi kusema kuwa kifo ni mshauri mwenye nguvu, utukumbuke sisi ambao siku hizi kifo kiko karibu kabisa nasi. Tunakuonba uwaombee wale wote waliokufa na wanaoendelea kufa siku hizi, na wote ambao wanaomboleza kwa kuondokewa na wapendwa wao. Kwa kupitia kwako wewe Mt. Gaspari tunataka kukimbilia katika madonda ya Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo, tukijiaminisha katika Damu yake inayookoa. Mt. Gaspari, utuombee. AMINA.

Blessed are you, Virgin Mother! Your Son, Christ Jesus, spotless lamb has prepared for his spouse, the Church, the new bread and wine of the wedding banquet

Umebarikiwa, ee Mama na Bikira; Mwanao Yesu Kristo, Mwanakondoo asiye na doa, alilitayarishia Kanisa, mchumba wake, mkate na divai mpya ya karamu ya arusi

The cup of blessing that we bless is communion with the Blood of Christ. The bread that we break is communion with the body of Christ

(1Cor. 10:16)

Kikombe kile cha baraka tukibarikicho, je, si ushirika wa damu ya Kristo? Mkate ule tuumegao, Je, si ushirika wa mwili wa Kristo?

(1Kor. 10:16)

Message From St. Gaspar

“I would rather die or suffer evil than to take such an oath. I cannot, I must not, I will not!” St. Gaspar spent five years in jail for refusing to take the oath"