
Fr. Alessandro Manzi

Provincial Councilor

Vivamus elementum, purus sit amet lobortis ornare, justo velit sollicitudin justo, sed faucibus neque sem eget metus. Sed pretium ullamcorper nunc eu dictum. Maecenas id porta enim. Praesent lobortis urna felis, sed tempor tellus gravida sit amet. Aliquam mauris risus rhoncus isn eros ut.

Pastor Address:

Church Themes
Block 145 Antela Road
Bredsbin Austrlia



Vivamus elementum, purus sit amet lobortis ornare, justo velit sollicitudin justo, sed faucibus neque sem eget metus. Sed pretium ullamcorperSed volutpat ante vel erat pharetra, eu vulputate sapien faucibus. Praesent consequat justo dolor, in vulputate eros mollis ultrices. Aenean dictum placerat nulla vel facilisis. Aenean ipsum turpis, tristique vel fermentum eu, gravida vel ante. Nullam vestibulum vehicula quam id sodales. Donec orci nulla, viverra eget massa a, auctor malesuada metus.

Blessed are you, Virgin Mother! Your Son, Christ Jesus, spotless lamb has prepared for his spouse, the Church, the new bread and wine of the wedding banquet

Umebarikiwa, ee Mama na Bikira; Mwanao Yesu Kristo, Mwanakondoo asiye na doa, alilitayarishia Kanisa, mchumba wake, mkate na divai mpya ya karamu ya arusi

The cup of blessing that we bless is communion with the Blood of Christ. The bread that we break is communion with the body of Christ

(1Cor. 10:16)

Kikombe kile cha baraka tukibarikicho, je, si ushirika wa damu ya Kristo? Mkate ule tuumegao, Je, si ushirika wa mwili wa Kristo?

(1Kor. 10:16)

Message From St. Gaspar

“I would rather die or suffer evil than to take such an oath. I cannot, I must not, I will not!” St. Gaspar spent five years in jail for refusing to take the oath"